35 year old male came with C/o occasional palpitations and SOB since 3 months.

This is an online elog documenting de-identified patient health data after taking his signed consent to enforce a greater patient centered learning. 

The privacy of the patient is being entirely conserved. No identifiers shall be revealed through out the piece of work whatsoever.

35 year old male came with C/o occasional palpitations and SOB since 3 months.

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back, then started developing occasional palpitations, relieved on consuming alcohol, not a/w chest pain.
He developed SOB since 3 months, Grade 2, insidious in onset, gradually progressive, no aggravating and relieving factors.
C/o decreased appetite since 2 months. 
C/o generalised weakness since 10 days.
No H/o orthopnea and PND.
No C/o fever, decreased urine output, burning micturition, pedal edema. 

Not a k/c/o DM, HTN, CVA, CAD, TB, Epilepsy. 

Addictions- Patient is a regular drinker since last 15-16 yrs, drank 180mL whisky every evening. 
Then 5 months back had sudden resistance to alcohol, started feeling disgusted even at the sight of alcohol so he left alcohol for 1 month. 
After 1 month he started developing tremors, palpitations which subsided on drinking, so gradually started drinking more, currently drinking 360mL to 540mL of whisky daily. 
No other addictions. 
Appetite- Decreased 
Diet: Mixed
Sleep: Adequate 
Bowel and bladder movements: Regular 

Family History: 
Not significant. 

General Examination -
Patient is examined in a well lit room with adequate exposure, after taking the consent of the patient.
He is conscious, coherent and cooperative.
Built & nourishment-Moderate
Icterus - Present
No pallor 
No cyanosis
No clubbing
No edema
No lymphadenopathy.
Temp: 98.1 F
Bp: 130/90 mmHg
PR: 106 bpm
RR: 20 cpm
SpO2: 98% on RA
GRBS: 164 mg% 

Systemic Examination -
CVS : 
S1 S2 present
No murmurs

B/l symmetrical chest
Trachea - Central
B/l air entry present
NVBS heard

Shape of abdomen: Obese
Soft, non tender.
No rigidity or guarding.

NFND, HMF intact
Reflexes - Normal


Provisional Diagnosis-
? Alcoholic Liver Disease 

1) Inj. Thiamine 3 ampules 100mL IV/Stat followed by 100 mg in 100mL NS IV/TID
2) Syp. Potchlor 15mL PO/TID
3) Syp. Lactulose 15mL PO H/S
